Resurrection Argued
Did Jesus rise from the dead? I need no faith
To argue that He did, as Scripture saith.
Did Jesus rise from the dead? I need no faith
To argue that He did, as Scripture saith.
Bishops there must be, where souls strive for Heaven.
Try Vienna in Virginia, May eleven!
”Comments” are lightweight, not a heavy sword –
“Eleison” means “Have mercy” – please, O Lord!
Thank God for women willing for Christ to suffer.
To shield us from his wrath they are his buffer.
When Benedict makes Redemption all so nice,
Then Christ becomes no more than sugar and spice.
Does the Society want Conciliar Rome?
If not, wake up! Soon it will be your home.
Dear Newsociety followers all – beware!
The poison is running deep, so take deep care.
A great Archbishop, forty years ago,
Measured the Council’s doctrine, and said “No.”
In changing times unchanging truths must find
New applications, not to be left behind.
All know what stand is taken by the “Resistance.”
Therefore it witnesses by its mere existence.
To a doubting French journalist the author of “Eleison Comments” expresses confidence that the imminent Motu Proprio will do much good.
Indeed, it both declares that the Tridentine Mass was never banned, and permits Latin rite priests to use it, whenever and wherever.
By overloading our eyes and ears, said Kafka, the cinema overwhelms our minds. Minds being overwhelmed means that lies triumph.
In his outstanding Encyclical of 100 years ago, Pius X nailed the deadly error of modern times: minds’ independence from their object.
Despite many Catholics’ reservations as to the content and motivation of the Motu Proprio, one may still believe it will do good.
Available in five languages.