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31 Reasons

Sir, had there been a few more men like you,
We would not be in this appalling stew!

On the Internet appeared recently an admirable list of 31 reasons coming from an Israeli Rabbi, explaining why he won’t take the notorious Covid “vaccine.” Many congratulations to the Rabbi! –

1 It is not a vaccine, providing by definition immunity, but a medical treatment providing merely some protection from a virus. I need no medical treatment for an illness I do not have.

2 Big Pharma, the political and medical establishments and the media have conspired to call it a “vaccine” in order to deceive the people. I want nothing to do with such deceitful manipulators.

3 The presumed benefits of the medical treatment are minimal and would not last long in any case. Already the establishment is talking of repeating and mandating a variety of injections. No thank you!

4 I can protect myself from a virus merely by strengthening my immune system naturally, and in case of need, there are vitamins and proven drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to ward it off.

5 The establishment cannot possibly know that their “vaccine” is safe because the long-term effects will not be known for many years. I do not trust them. I want no part of their treatment.

6 Big Pharma and the politicians behind the “vaccine” are no way legally liable and cannot be sued if anything goes wrong. If they will not risk anything, I will not risk my health.

7 Israel’s Prime Minister has openly admitted that Israel is the world’s laboratory for this experimental “vaccine.” I am not interested in being a guinea-pig.

8 To accept a “vaccine” for Israelis, Israel also agreed to share the results with the foreign drug company involved. I never agreed. I will not contribute to this sleazy enterprise.

9 The executives and Board members at Pfizers (company producing the “vaccine”) are on record that they have not taken their own “vaccine” – “not wanting to jump queue” – preposterous excuse!

10 The mainstream media accept this ridiculous excuse with no problem. They even praise the Pfizer executives for their self-sacrifice. Since they take us for such fools, I will trust none of them.

11 Bill Gates claims vaccines are essential to mankind’s survival; he wants to depopulate the world; he also has not been “vaccinated.” No thanks to anything proposed by Bill Gates!

12 The Establishment has been entirely one-sided in promoting the “vaccine.” They have been deceitful and manipulative. I will not gamble my personal well-being on their integrity.

13 There is, to promote this “vaccine,” the most widespread marketing campaign in all history. That is inappropriate for any medical treatment, let alone a brand new one. It makes me recoil.

14 The masses are following along, feeding peer pressure to do likewise. It is alarming and sick.

15 Anyone who objects to the “vaccine” is bullied, slandered, mocked, censored, ostracised, threatened and fired from their jobs. I will trust these brave people over the establishment every time.

16 This is the greatest medical experiment in the history of the human race.

17 Yet the fact that it is an experiment is being severely downplayed.

18 If people knew what is really going on, very few would be agreeing to participate.

19 The medical establishment is telling nobody about all this. They are corrupt. I don’t trust their drug.

20 Such pressure to “vaccinate” violates all medical ethics and democratic rights. Count me out!

21 The US government is sealing all the “vaccine” records for 30 years. What are they covering up?

22 They share these records with foreign corporations but not with their own people? I’m out!

23 The establishment is setting up all kinds of people to harangue non-participants. How dare they?

24 Nobody “vaccinated” that I know really studied the question beforehand. I am suspicious of cults.

25 Big Pharma is notorious for pushing its products, even against all contrary evidence.

26 The horror stories come in, thick and fast. Nobody heeds them. I won’t be the next “coincidence.”

27 Nobody is allowed to imply that any death was connected to a preceding “vaccination.” Really?

28 The religious cult-like worship of a “vaccine” repels me.

29 My medical doctor badgers me to get the “vaccine.” But he has given me no contrary information. 30 I see this whole disreputable scene. I will trust God, and the mind and natural instincts He gave me.

31 The whole thing stinks.

Kyrie eleison


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