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Category: Bishop Williamson

The Mind of John Paul II

Bishop Williamson states that John Paul II has irreconcilable ideas in his mind, states the importance of Thomistic philosophy, mentions personalism, the paralysis of conservative

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The Doctrine Undermined

Bishop Williamson states the importance of doctrine, how unity must be based on truth, the errors of religious liberty, and answers the question whether the

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The Long & Narrow Path

Bishop Williamson states that Catholics should help and encourage one another, the nature of false ecumenism, importance of the rosary and the Spiritual Exercises, the

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Shadows of the Antichrist

Bishop Williamson discusses the nature of Christendom, freemasonry’s goal, the ideological foundation for the United States, the nature of communism and capitalism, the SSPX’s work

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Who is the Antichrist?

Bishop Williamson provides scriptural evidence for the antichrist, relation to the Jews, what the Church Fathers thought of him, how the antichrist will deceive, and

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The Coming Chastisement

Bishop Williamson explains the economic disaster that may befall society, the purpose of a chastisement, effects of breaking the Commandments, the effects of the Industrial

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Liberalism & Communism

Bishop Williamson mentions the invasion of Iraq in 1991, the “fall” of communism, Pius XI’s encyclical “Divine Redemptoris,” and the materialism of the West.

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After the Consecrations

Bishop Williamson answers the question as to where Archbishop Lefebvre stands after the Consecrations, mentions Cardinal Oddi, stationary and evolutionary truths, how it is not

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The Third Secret of Fatima

Fr. Williamson explains what the apparitions of Fatima were, the historical context in Portugal, the errors of Russia, necessity to consecrate Russia, and asks the

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Lefebvre and the Vatican

Bishop Williamson gives the reasons for the Episcopal Consecrations in 1988, mentions the visitation of Cardinal Gagnon in 1987, the May 1988 Protocol, false promises

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Recent Comments

Motu Proprio – I

To a doubting French journalist the author of “Eleison Comments” expresses confidence that the imminent Motu Proprio will do much good.

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Motu Proprio – II

Indeed, it both declares that the Tridentine Mass was never banned, and permits Latin rite priests to use it, whenever and wherever.

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The Cinema

By overloading our eyes and ears, said Kafka, the cinema overwhelms our minds. Minds being overwhelmed means that lies triumph.

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“Pascendi” – I

In his outstanding Encyclical of 100 years ago, Pius X nailed the deadly error of modern times: minds’ independence from their object.

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