Four Concerns

A reader writes, “Your Excellency, could you please clarify four points of disagreement with yourself which seem to come up over and over again in Traditional Catholic circles.” No problem – by all means let people think for themselves as long as they agree with me!

1 You are said to support and promote the “Poem of the Man-God” by Maria Valtorta, which has grievous errors contrary to the Faith, and much scandalous content.

Certainly I support and promote this work of Maria Valtorta (1897–1961), because I am convinced that it is a great gift of Our Lord to our poor modern world, His special answer to the electronics, cinema, television and the Internet, which are sweeping millions and millions of souls away from God and down towards Hell. The five volumes in English translation, or ten volumes in the original Italian, present a complete picture of the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord in such realistic detail as to make the Gospels jump off the page, so to speak. This is not their effect on every reader, in fact many a serious Catholic is left indifferent by the “Poem.” On the other hand, from the “Poem’s” first publication in the 1950’s, it has produced enormous good fruit with an increase of the love and knowledge of God and with serious conversions all over the world. Numberless souls will owe to the “Poem” their eternal salvation.

As for the accusations of doctrinal error and scandalous content, neither need be taken seriously. With the sureness of a mountain-goat dancing among mountain peaks, this bed-ridden Italian laywoman dances among the heights of Trinitarian theology in a manner hardly to be explained except by divine inspiration.

As for the “scandalous content,” somebody needs to be reminded of Titus I, 15: “To the pure all things are pure, but to the corrupt and unbelieving nothing is pure; their very minds and consciences are corrupted.” Many who accuse the “Poem” of scandal will only be condemning themselves. May they see clear!

2 You are said to support problematic unapproved Marian apparitions which support the Novus Ordo.

Note firstly that there could be no false Marian apparitions if the Devil did not have some genuine ones to imitate. The whole thing is to “test the spirits to see whether they are of God” (I Jn, IV, 1). Now normally the Catholic shepherds (bishops) are appointed to do this testing for the Catholic sheep, because it can be a delicate task. Furthermore, in testing spirits, it is prudent for them to err on the side of caution. But when times are as abnormal as they are today, and most bishops are modernists, how can they begin to do the Catholic work of testing spirits? How many of them still even believe in the Devil? And so Catholic sheep today are bound to do some testing of their own, no more than necessary, but at least some. The real problem today is too many souls that can no longer think, or do not want to recognise the objective evidence that God provides in abundance when He wants to be believed, e.g. at Garabandal or Akita.

3 You are said to encourage souls to attend the New Mass if they feel they will benefit from it.

In the abstract the New Mass is an abomination, the central act of worship of the new modernist religion, which is why Archbishop Lefebvre laid down a general rule of complete non-attendance. But in the concrete any particular New Mass is not automatically invalid, in which case it may happen to be spiritually profitable, but essentially it remains a Trojan horse designed by well-known enemies of God to destroy the Catholic Church from within. This it does every time it is celebrated or attended, by injecting in every participant the poison of a falsified understanding of the relations between God and man.

4 You are said to believe that Francis is an impostor who should not be named in the Canon of Mass.

However inadequate Francis is as Pope, I personally name him in the Canon at every Mass I celebrate, because the Catholic Church cannot survive without its Pope, which he is generally recognised to be today. It is the generally recognised head who is the one thus necessary to an organisation.

Kyrie eleison.