Eternal Damnation? – I
How can a soul be damned for one single mortal sin? Because God gives to every one of us enough light and freedom to avoid Hell.
How can a soul be damned for one single mortal sin? Because God gives to every one of us enough light and freedom to avoid Hell.
As Our Lord was eclipsed on Holy Saturday, so Mother Church is going into eclipse today. Like Our Lady, we must not waver.
Every liberal is a crusader, making war ultimately on God. By flirting with Newrome, the Newsociety follows this suicidal path.
Despite Vatican II, what the Catholic Church always used to teach on the deicide of the Jews is still true.
Two films made recently about the financial crisis of 2008 should make people realize that not capitalism but Catholicism is the answer.
Benedict XVI’s subjectivism impels him to turn the Faith inside out: Gospel, dogma, Church, society, Christ’s Kingship, the Last Ends.
The difference between Judas Iscariot’s remorse and Peter’s repentance is that Judas’ will was set on resisting grace, Peter’s on loving Jesus.
Japan’s terrible earth- and sea-quake remind us that suffering can be a punishment or warning or an occasion to practise virtue.
With Christmas was born the one and only true solution to all the world’s problems. No wonder Christmas is joyful.
To a doubting French journalist the author of “Eleison Comments” expresses confidence that the imminent Motu Proprio will do much good.
Indeed, it both declares that the Tridentine Mass was never banned, and permits Latin rite priests to use it, whenever and wherever.
By overloading our eyes and ears, said Kafka, the cinema overwhelms our minds. Minds being overwhelmed means that lies triumph.
In his outstanding Encyclical of 100 years ago, Pius X nailed the deadly error of modern times: minds’ independence from their object.
Despite many Catholics’ reservations as to the content and motivation of the Motu Proprio, one may still believe it will do good.