When everything in the world around us is being turned upside down, it should not surprise us to find the Pope talking like a Communist politician and the leader of Russia talking like a Catholic Pope. Thus one reader of these “Comments” was surprised to see them (August 5) referring to “Holy Russia,” when since 1917 it is Russia that has been spreading its errors throughout the world. But “Holy Russia” is an expression that goes much further back than the 20th century. It refers to the Russian people’s natural inclination to religion. If from 1917 to 1989 they were the spring-bed of international Communism, that is only because they served it with a religious fervour, because it was – and still is – the messianism of materialism, the main Jewish substitute religion for post-Christians (who have only themselves to blame).
But 72 years of Communism caused the Russians so much suffering that they learned their lesson and are now finding their way back to God, and their nation’s turning to Him has deserved for them from God a true statesman for their leader, who is the hope of many decent souls all over the world. Some experts in the perfidy of the New World Order are still distrustful of Vladimir Putin, which is understandable, but as Americans say, if he talks, walks and quacks like a follower of Christ, then common sense says that he is a follower of Christ. Read here a version (taken from video sub-titles) of a speech of his one year ago in Russia, and judge for yourselves if his world-vision is not Christian:—
A further challenge for the Russian national identity is connected to the processes we observe outside of Russia. They include foreign policy, morals and other aspects. We see that many Euro-Atlantic States have taken the path of denying or rejecting their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilisation. In these countries the basis of morals and of any traditional identity is being denied – national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized. There, politics treat a family with many children as juridically equal to a homosexual partnership – faith in God is equal to faith in Satan. The excesses and exaggerations of “political correctness” in these countries lead to serious consideration for the legitimising of political parties that promote propaganda for paedophilia.
The people in European States are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are even frightened to speak about them. Christian holidays and celebrations are abolished or given neutral names, as if one were ashamed of those Christian holidays. By this means the deeper moral value of these celebrations is hidden from view. And these countries try to force this model onto other countries. I am deeply convinced that to live this way will lead directly to culture being degraded and returned to a primitive condition. And this makes the demographic and moral crisis of the West still deeper. Today nearly all countries of the West cannot survive reproductively, not even with the inflow of population by immigration. What clearer proof of the moral crisis in the West could there be than this inability to reproduce itself?
Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and moral values that have been formed and developed over thousands of years, people inevitably lose their human dignity. As for ourselves we think it is right and natural to defend these moral values coming from Christianity. We must respect the right to self-determination of every minority, but by the same token there cannot and must not be any doubt about the rights of the majority.
At the same time as we observe this decadence at the national level in the West, on the international level we observe the attempt to unify the world in accordance with a unipolar model, to relativize and remove institutions of international law and national sovereignty. In such a unipolar unified world there is no place for sovereign States, because such a world requires only vassals. From a historical perspective such a unipolar world would mean the surrender of one’s own identity and God-created diversity.
Kyrie eleison.
Putin Speaks
Here’s why the West will have to crash and burn!
When everything in the world around us is being turned upside down, it should not surprise us to find the Pope talking like a Communist politician and the leader of Russia talking like a Catholic Pope. Thus one reader of these “Comments” was surprised to see them (August 5) referring to “Holy Russia,” when since 1917 it is Russia that has been spreading its errors throughout the world. But “Holy Russia” is an expression that goes much further back than the 20th century. It refers to the Russian people’s natural inclination to religion. If from 1917 to 1989 they were the spring-bed of international Communism, that is only because they served it with a religious fervour, because it was – and still is – the messianism of materialism, the main Jewish substitute religion for post-Christians (who have only themselves to blame).
But 72 years of Communism caused the Russians so much suffering that they learned their lesson and are now finding their way back to God, and their nation’s turning to Him has deserved for them from God a true statesman for their leader, who is the hope of many decent souls all over the world. Some experts in the perfidy of the New World Order are still distrustful of Vladimir Putin, which is understandable, but as Americans say, if he talks, walks and quacks like a follower of Christ, then common sense says that he is a follower of Christ. Read here a version (taken from video sub-titles) of a speech of his one year ago in Russia, and judge for yourselves if his world-vision is not Christian:—
A further challenge for the Russian national identity is connected to the processes we observe outside of Russia. They include foreign policy, morals and other aspects. We see that many Euro-Atlantic States have taken the path of denying or rejecting their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilisation. In these countries the basis of morals and of any traditional identity is being denied – national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized. There, politics treat a family with many children as juridically equal to a homosexual partnership – faith in God is equal to faith in Satan. The excesses and exaggerations of “political correctness” in these countries lead to serious consideration for the legitimising of political parties that promote propaganda for paedophilia.
The people in European States are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are even frightened to speak about them. Christian holidays and celebrations are abolished or given neutral names, as if one were ashamed of those Christian holidays. By this means the deeper moral value of these celebrations is hidden from view. And these countries try to force this model onto other countries. I am deeply convinced that to live this way will lead directly to culture being degraded and returned to a primitive condition. And this makes the demographic and moral crisis of the West still deeper. Today nearly all countries of the West cannot survive reproductively, not even with the inflow of population by immigration. What clearer proof of the moral crisis in the West could there be than this inability to reproduce itself?
Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and moral values that have been formed and developed over thousands of years, people inevitably lose their human dignity. As for ourselves we think it is right and natural to defend these moral values coming from Christianity. We must respect the right to self-determination of every minority, but by the same token there cannot and must not be any doubt about the rights of the majority.
At the same time as we observe this decadence at the national level in the West, on the international level we observe the attempt to unify the world in accordance with a unipolar model, to relativize and remove institutions of international law and national sovereignty. In such a unipolar unified world there is no place for sovereign States, because such a world requires only vassals. From a historical perspective such a unipolar world would mean the surrender of one’s own identity and God-created diversity.
Kyrie eleison.