Cardinal’s Clarity
Europe responded once to the love of God.
Now it must suffer migrants, as His rod!
Europe responded once to the love of God.
Now it must suffer migrants, as His rod!
Brex’teers, do you truly want to be blessed?
Seek first the Kingdom of God. He’ll add the rest.
Poor parents! Is there nothing we can do?
Stay tuned, to get next week an idea or two.
A Spaniard saw original sin unfurled
In the foundations of our modern world.
Words supposedly of Our Lord to a French woman in the 1960’s and 1970’s constitute a serious warning to the modern world.
As Christendom is burnt out, so Christmas becomes a more and more artificial celebration. Yet Christ did come, and gave us happiness.
Cardinal Siri was a fine churchman, but by his lack of reaction to the disaster of Vatican II, arguably not fine enough.
The key to the problem of Gauguin and Maugham is modern society’s making war on God. Modern art cannot be serene.
In Subiaco, Italy, St Benedict spent three years in a mountain cave, amidst God’s Nature, filling his soul with God’s grace.
The invasion of Europe by Mohammedans is basically a religious problem. It can only be solved by Europeans returning to the Faith.
To a doubting French journalist the author of “Eleison Comments” expresses confidence that the imminent Motu Proprio will do much good.
Indeed, it both declares that the Tridentine Mass was never banned, and permits Latin rite priests to use it, whenever and wherever.
By overloading our eyes and ears, said Kafka, the cinema overwhelms our minds. Minds being overwhelmed means that lies triumph.
In his outstanding Encyclical of 100 years ago, Pius X nailed the deadly error of modern times: minds’ independence from their object.
Despite many Catholics’ reservations as to the content and motivation of the Motu Proprio, one may still believe it will do good.