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The Miller’s Tale

The Miller’s Tale follows the Knights Tale and is a response to that tale. It is bawdy, it is funny, it is man at his lowest, it is one long well told joke. The miller is a big man: loud, rude, bigger than life. His tale matches himself. While the knight tells of making order out of chaos, of pity for others, and understanding our roles in God’s plan, the miller tells of debauchery, chaos and disorder. The knight submits to God, the miller will do what he wants. Chaucer the pilgrim tells the readers to be careful in the reading of this tale; we may not want to read it. He asks us not to think that he is doing this for the wrong reasons. When he set out on the pilgrimage he promised to tell each story, or he would be false to his intent. It is not his intent to offend us. He has to tell all of the stories. If you don’t want to read this story, turn the page. There are many other good pious stories. It is not my fault if you read this. All of which compels us to read The Miller’s Tale.



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