Pope Indispensable – II
Traditionalists, Tradition gives no hope
Of your uniting under a truthless Pope.
Traditionalists, Tradition gives no hope
Of your uniting under a truthless Pope.
”The truth is mighty and will prevail,”
And States that lean on lies will fail.
How can’t all men be more or less confused,
When by most men reality is refused?
Truth is the fruit of liberty, forsooth?
Rather, Our Lord said, liberty’s root is truth.
Truth must be loved, but then pursued by reason,
And then defended, in and out of season.
Bishops there must be, where souls strive for Heaven.
Try Vienna in Virginia, May eleven!
A truly devilish disorientation
Called for another bishop’s consecration.
If Catholic churchmen gravely err, we may
Declare, if we are right, how far they stray.
The loss of objective truth in depth explains
The Church’s sedevac and liberal pains.
No Catholic need believe that the imminent canonisation of Conciliar Popes will be infallible, because it will proceed from mind-rot.
To a doubting French journalist the author of “Eleison Comments” expresses confidence that the imminent Motu Proprio will do much good.
Indeed, it both declares that the Tridentine Mass was never banned, and permits Latin rite priests to use it, whenever and wherever.
By overloading our eyes and ears, said Kafka, the cinema overwhelms our minds. Minds being overwhelmed means that lies triumph.
In his outstanding Encyclical of 100 years ago, Pius X nailed the deadly error of modern times: minds’ independence from their object.
Despite many Catholics’ reservations as to the content and motivation of the Motu Proprio, one may still believe it will do good.